About US


MA Casting is a creative consultancy with expertise in diverse talent and inclusive storytelling. We specialize in providing talent from Middle Eastern and Muslim backgrounds and we consult on stories from these communities, through script reviews and the development process (including line producing, story boarding, creative direction, site scouting, staffing, and resource acquisition etc).

We have been featured in NPR, NBCNews, Washington Post and many more.

We have provided services to Nickelodeon, Paramount Plus, Maybelline, Google, and Nordstrom, national art museums and countless independent filmmakers and non-profit organizations.

We have been named one of the Top 100 Muslim Start-Ups of 2022 and our Founder was recently named Top 100 POCs in Media by A.N. Publishing. Book a 1-on-1 Creative Consult to learn more.

OUR Approach

As a members of the Muslim and SWANA/MENASA communities, we have a level of insight and access to these groups that no other casting company can provide. We understand their motivations, their nuances, their strengths and their beauty.



Muslim and SWANA actors are not a monolith. They are extremely diverse. They are Black, White, Asian, Indigenous, and mixed. They hail all kinds of countries and territories. They speak many languages and have many different traditions and norms. At MA Casting, we understand this and understand the sensitivities this comes with. We know how to approach talent and ensure they are qualified and up to the task.

Other Creatives

Muslim Creatives are not just actors, they are Writers, Producers, Directors, and Content Creators of all varieties. Companies, networks, and studios are waking up to the reality that America is diverse and multifaceted. They are recognizing the need for inclusive story telling and marketing, both above and below the line. Here at MA Casting, we are building our rolodex of creatives. Contact us for more information.